Enertek International GmbH
Enertek International GmbH
Press release issued by Enertek International Ltd on 8 December 2022
Press release issued by Enertek International Ltd on 08 December 2022
Enertek International Ltd. is pleased to announce the incorporation of a new sister company in Germany.
Enertek International GmbH has been established in Cologne, Germany to provide a seamless service to European clients without any complications or bureaucracy resulting from the UK’s decision to leave the EU and the single market.
The new subsidiary is headed by Kellie Melbaum-Brenner. Kellie has been indirectly associated with Enertek for many years, and has a background in office and business management.
Clients using the services of Enertek International GmbH will receive quotations in Euro’s from the German office (either written in English or German at their discretion) and all client transactions will be within the European Single Mark et under European Law and conventions.
Where European project work involves using Enertek International Ltd’s test facilities or engineers in the UK, this will be arranged internally by Enertek International GmbH, so the client does not need to be involved with customs or import/export procedures.
Kellie Melbaum-Brenner outside Enertek International Ltd.’s HQ:
In addition to servicing clients within the EU, Enertek International GmbH can assist clients from outside the EU (E.G. America & Australia) to deal directly with the EU regarding EC approval without the need to involve the UK, unless UKCA Marking is needed in addition to EC Certification (in which case this can also be arranged).
We are delighted to welcome Kellie to the Enertek International group’s expanding team, and look forward to collaborations across Europe and worldwide.
If you have any requirements for independent product appraisals, product testing, or assistance with any part of the R&D process in the field of heating, cooling, and cooking appliances please contact Kellie at your convenience to arrange a call, meeting, or visit.
Paul Needley CEng FIMechE FEI
Group Managing Director
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